Theatre theatre stage machinery design, including on-stage machinery, off-stage machinery and other equipment systems, control systems, process power distribution systems, curtain systems and their piping systems. Stage technology design and mechanical equipment configuration to meet the opera, variety show stage machinery and equipment to quickly switch between soft and hard set needs. To achieve scientific process design, excellent technical performance, configuration optimisation and practical, safe and reliable operation, easy maintenance and operation, economic and reasonable.

1) stage machinery involved in the performance

Equipment are: the main lifting platform, auxiliary lifting platform, car platform, turntable, vehicle turntable, actor lifting trolley, set boom, track single-point crane, free single-point crane, flight equipment. Sometimes, because the music pool lifting platform to be raised between the curtain or the closing for the audience to play the programme, but also to participate in the performance of the equipment it is classified as. With the development of artistic performances, there are more and more types and numbers of equipment used in the performance process.

2) Machinery and equipment used to prepare for performances

The equipment mainly includes: the upper and side pieces of the false stage mouth, the light bridge, the light cage, the gable curtain boom, the canopy boom, the mobile light frame, the side stage suspension equipment, the rear stage suspension equipment, the sound reflection board, the music pool lift, the outstretched lift, the performance lift, and the various stage change lifts.

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